Village of DeForest launches new funding program for downtown

Village of DeForest launches new funding program for downtown
Written by ZJbTFBGJ2T

Village of DeForest launches new funding program for downtown  HNGnews.com

Village of DeForest launches new funding program for downtown

The DeForest Community Development Authority Launches Program to Support Downtown Businesses

The Program Overview

The DeForest Community Development Authority (CDA) has recently launched a new program aimed at supporting downtown DeForest businesses and commercial property owners. This program is a collaborative effort between the CDA, Settlers Best Credit Union, and Heartland Credit Union.

Financial Support for Building Improvements

The program offers low-interest loans and grants to eligible applicants. These funds can be used for various purposes, including exterior building improvements, structural work, and building systems components.

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SDGs, Targets, and Indicators in the Article

  1. SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

    • Target 8.3: Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation.
    • Indicator 8.3.1: Proportion of informal employment in non-agriculture employment, by sex.
  2. SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

    • Target 9.1: Develop quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being.
    • Indicator 9.1.1: Proportion of the rural population who live within 2 km of an all-season road.

The article discusses a new program launched by the DeForest Community Development Authority (CDA) to provide low-interest loans and grants to downtown DeForest businesses and commercial property owners for building improvements, structural work, and building systems components. This program aims to support productive activities, job creation, entrepreneurship, and innovation (SDG 8). It also mentions the partnership with credit unions to provide financial support, which aligns with the goal of developing quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure (SDG 9).

Based on the content of the article, the specific targets under SDG 8 that can be identified are Target 8.3: Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation. The program launched by the CDA aims to support these aspects by providing financial assistance to businesses and property owners.

Similarly, the specific target under SDG 9 that can be identified is Target 9.1: Develop quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being. The program’s focus on building improvements and structural work aligns with this target.

The article does not explicitly mention any indicators, but we can infer some potential indicators based on the targets. For Target 8.3, an indicator that can be used to measure progress is Indicator 8.3.1: Proportion of informal employment in non-agriculture employment, by sex. This indicator can help assess the impact of the program on formal job creation and reducing informal employment. For Target 9.1, an indicator that can be used is Indicator 9.1.1: Proportion of the rural population who live within 2 km of an all-season road. This indicator can measure the accessibility and reach of the infrastructure improvements facilitated by the program.

SDGs, Targets, and Indicators Table

SDGs Targets Indicators
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth Target 8.3: Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation. Indicator 8.3.1: Proportion of informal employment in non-agriculture employment, by sex.
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure Target 9.1: Develop quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being. Indicator 9.1.1: Proportion of the rural population who live within 2 km of an all-season road.

Behold! This splendid article springs forth from the wellspring of knowledge, shaped by a wondrous proprietary AI technology that delved into a vast ocean of data, illuminating the path towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Remember that all rights are reserved by SDG Investors LLC, empowering us to champion progress together.

Source: hngnews.com


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